Clean Your Shower Head

Remove the shower head: If your shower head is removable, unscrew it from the shower arm. If it is not removable, you can still clean it in place by covering the surrounding area with plastic wrap or a plastic bag.

  1. Soak the shower head in vinegar: In a bowl or plastic bag, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Submerge the shower head in the solution and let it soak for at least 30 minutes. The vinegar will help to dissolve any mineral deposits or buildup.

  2. Scrub the shower head: After soaking, remove the shower head from the vinegar solution and use an old toothbrush to scrub away any remaining buildup. Pay special attention to the nozzles and crevices where debris can accumulate.

  3. Rinse the shower head: Rinse the shower head thoroughly with warm water to remove any vinegar or debris. If there are still stubborn spots, you can use a toothpick or a straightened paper clip to clear any remaining blockages.

  4. Reattach the shower head: Once the shower head is clean, reattach it to the shower arm and turn on the water to test the flow.

Regularly cleaning your shower head can help to maintain good water flow and prevent buildup of mineral deposits. It is recommended to clean your shower head every few months or as needed.